Peter Driscoll and The Cruisers
Peter Driscoll

I've written four books about Elvis, including the first biography, and I was a correspondent and contributing editor of Rolling Stone for 20 years. As a result, I know the early days of Rock and Roll well and I'm a big, big fan of the genre. So, imagine my surprise when I found Peter Driscoll and the Cruisers playing at my corner pub in Bangkok. Most of Peter Driscoll's adult life has been spent playing in the working men's clubs in England, performing Billy Joel and the like, Rockabilly when he could. Now that he's retired - a word that never comes to mind when you see him perform - Peter plays only the music he truly loves, from the era when Rock was fun AND you could dance to it. And it's not just us old Farangs who get up to dance. I walked into one of his gigs and the floor was filled with young Thais; Jitter-bugging! It made me laugh out loud, not in derision but in joy. And they were GOOD! Please forgive all the exclamation points and capital letters, but that's the kind of entertainment this is. And wait until you see his suits!

- Jerry Hopkins, author, Elvis: The Biography and the Jim Morrison cult classic, No One Here Gets Out Alive, #1 New York Times, 20 year resident of Bangkok.